Triggo Tech Engineering


Eco-friendly environment

Touch to enhance towards sustainable green environment.

As TRIGGO TECH ENGINEERING & ASSOCIATES planted seeds around 10,000 nos to create an eco-friendly environment.

It is everyone’s key responsibility to Contribute towards the growth of the Environment

Plantation of Palm trees will continue forever

Ban plastics is one of our important aspects to control environmental pollution.

Saving the carbon footprint is the prime goal of our company and its associates

Thanks to Indospace and local authorities for helping us to get the seeds

Triggo Tech Engineering & Associates target to plant another 10,000 seeds in this year

Environmental Health & Safety

TRIGGO TECH ENGINEERING (TTE) is committed to employing proactive management skills to ensure the timely execution of projects. TTE consistently works towards its goal of being the best construction company in its geographical area of operation and conducts its business operations according to its core values of professionalism, integrity, and reliability with innovation in a safe and sustainable environment.

We strive to ensure a noble standard of health and safety at all levels of the organization. We strongly believe that our objectives are to have zero accidents as possible. We are committed to avoiding each accident and minimizing risk at the workplace by our objectives.

Ensuring the occupational health of excellence in a fundamental principle of TTE’s business philosophy & management culture.

Proactively identify and address all EHS hazards and risks as a result of the company’s business operations, as well as potential emergency situations.

Establish and implement criteria for the review and continual improvement of EHS management systems and operational controls across all facets of the business.

To achieve its environmental health and safety (EHS) objectives, TTE requires senior management of allbits business units, divisions, and projects to ensure compliance with the following requirements.

Effectively communicate the requirements of the policy to all employees and stakeholders.

Define responsibilities and ensure line management commitment and participation in creating and maintaining an effective and proactive EHS culture within their areas of responsibility.

Actively support legislative, client, and TTE’s EHS requirements by providing the necessary financial and physical resources to give effect to this policy.

Recording non-conformances and incidents at all levels and using their information to help ensure that proper and efficient practices are established.

Ensure that supervison and workers are competent by educating, training, informing, and raising awareness of all EHS hazards, risks, and controls that apply to them

Monitor vender compliance and requirements of local authorities and the TTE EHS management systems on all projects.

Encourage environmental awareness and the responsibility of all people to conduct their activities in a way that does not harm the environment, people, or the surrounding communities

Providing necessary resources at every workplace to create a safe work environment.

Providing necessary resources at every workplace to create a safe work environment.

Keep this as the first agenda item for all committee meetings (management always givesimportance and priority to health and safety-related issues).

To this end, TTE is committed to conducting its business operations in an ethical, responsible, and sustainable manner by affording EHA management parity with other business operations. We are personally committed to the requirements and objectives contained in this policy statement and on behalf of TRIGGO TECH ENGINEERING (TTE) senior management, empower all employees to make the achievement of this policy a personal responsibility in their area of operation.

Quality Policy